A screening camp was organized with the support from the local organizer Indreni Multipurpose Co-operative Ltd. on 29th November 2022. Altogether, 300 patients were examined in the camp OPD and 27 patients were selected and brought to the hospital for cataract surgery.
Altogether, 21 patients underwent for cataract surgery out of which six patients’ cost of surgery were covered by health insurance scheme and the hospital offered free cataract surgery to 15 patients.

In November 2022, altogether 4 eye screening camps were organized; one each in Jhapa Rural Municipality, Gauradaha Municipality, Haldibari Rural Municipality and Kamal Rural Municipality. A total number of 1,285 patients benefited from eye examination in the camp OPD whereas 98 patients were screening for cataract surgery and were brought to the hospital. Altogether, 80 patients were provided free cataract surgery out of which 25 cases were covered by health insurance scheme.