mechi eye hospital
IPL Therapy
Cataract Surgery Nepal
Free Surgical Eye Camp
Cataract surgery Mechi Eye hospital
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Mechi Eye Hospital

Welcome To Mechi Eye Hospital

On November 15, 2024, Mechi Eye Hospital celebrated its 28th anniversary of dedicated community ophthalmic service in the region. This significant milestone marks a glorious year, allowing us to reflect on and appreciate the achievements made over the past twenty-eight years.

Specialties & Treatments

Hospital Services

Hospital Activities

Promoting Community Eye Care Services


“SmartSight Laser Eye Surgery (LASIK ):चस्मा, कन्टयाक लेन्स हटाउने अत्याधुनिक लेजर सर्जरी ” TikTok/Reels प्रतियोगिता

रचनात्मक भिडियो बनाउनुहोस , पुरस्कार जित्नुहोस।   मेची आँखा अस्पतालद्वारा आयोजित …

मधुमेहले गर्दा आँखामा हुने रेटिनोप्याथी(Diabetic Retinopathy) : कारण र लक्षणहरू

मधुमेहले गर्दा आँखामा हुने रेटिनोप्याथी(Diabetic Retinopathy) : कारण र लक्षणहरू

मोतिबिन्दु शल्यक्रिया पछि अपनाउनुपर्ने सावधानी

मोतिबिन्दु शल्यक्रिया पछि अपनाउनुपर्ने सावधानी

मोतिबिन्दु शल्यक्रिया विश्वभर छोटो समयमा गरिने  र सफल प्रक्रियाहरू मध्ये…

School Screening Camp

School Screening Program 2024: Mechi Eye Hospital

Mechi Eye Hospital, with financial support from the Eye Care…

Surgical Eye Camp Machi Eye Hospital

Mechi Eye Hospital Successfully Completes Free Eye Surgical Camp in Panchthar

Mechi Eye Hospital is pleased to announce the successful completion…

Surgical Camp Mechi Eye Hospital

Successful Completion of Eye Surgical Camps in Sankhuwasabha by Mechi Eye Hospital and Partners

Mechi Eye Hospital, in collaboration with Ek Ek Paila Foundation…


Performance Summary On Chart

MECP Performance Summary (OPD)

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MECP Performance Summary (OPD)

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Our Collaborating Partners