A formal program was organized to celebrate our 26th Anniversary on 15th November 2022 in our hospital. The program was chaired by Mechi Eye Hospital (Sangh) Chairperson Mr. Jal Kumar Gurung and it was formally inaugurated by the chief guest Ms. Pabitra Mahatara Prasai (Mayor-Birtamod Municipality). Mr. Ganesh Prasad Pokharel (Secretary-MEHS) moderated the program.
Other distinguished members of Mechi Eye Hospital Sangh present in this program were Mr. Chhatra Prasad Adhikari, Mr. Suresh Bansal, Mr. Dinesh Kumar Mittal and Mr. Bhim Gurung and Manju Sitoula Pokharel (Treasurer)..

In this program, Dr. Purushottam Joshi (Medical Director-Mechi Eye Hospital) briefly presented key achievements of the hospital in 2022.

Further, winners of different sport events like cricket, football, volleyball, chess, table tennis, sack race etc. were recognized (75 players) with medals & prizes.
Certificates were awarded to “Best Employee & Best Eye Care Center of 2022”. Winners are as follows:
- Mr. Hom Prasad Dhital – Ophthalmic Assistant
- Ms. Laxmi Kumari Rajbanshi – Eye Health Worker
- Ms. Manju Pradhan – Eye Health Worker
- Ms. Brinda B. K. – Cleaner
- Mr. Yubaraj Rajbanshi – Optical Dispenser
- Gauradaha Eye Care Center